

Time for journalists to encrypt everything

President Donald Trump has publicly called for a Justice Department investigation into leaks to the media, warning, “We’re gonna find the

A doctor in politics: A Perspective Review of MIMIKOS ODYSSEY by OLU OBAFEMI

History is replete with an array of medical doctors who have also been politicians. Some of the famous ones are the Latin American Revolutionary Leade

Why Plateau residents prefer Unity FM – Nakande

Unity FM made its debut in 2013 with a mandate to bring harmonious co-existence among the various ethnic groups in Plateau State. Four years after, wo

How Abuja Human Rights Radio will operate

Even in the harsh harmattan cold on Friday, February 17, 2017, 33 people had arrived by 6.49 am to wait for selection in the Brekete Family programme,

‘Media owners should provide insurance cover for investigative journalists’

What are some of the controversial stories you have written?  In 2013, I went to Plateau State to find out the cause of the unrest there. It was